Where to promote an article about Ruby

Where to promote an article about Ruby

Discover places to showcase and boost your Ruby-related technical piece

Somebody asked me in a private message about where can they promote an article they wrote about Ruby.

Here is where I think you should submit/publish your article to reach a wider audience.

Here are some places where I would submit an article:

  • rubyflow.com - there is a submit button there and it is easy to submit it

  • rubyland.news - here you will need to go to About and write an email to the owner of the website asking them to add your RSS feed. Then every time you write your article will automatically appear on Rubyland

  • ruby.libhunt.com - also here you can submit your article by clicking on the Submit button from the menu

  • news.ycombinator.com - here you can submit your article by going to Submit

  • lobste.rs - here you can submit your article but you will need an invite to create your account

  • RubyWeekly - while there is no official way to submit an article for RubyWeekly it is worth trying to suggest your article there as it has the largest audience. One way would be to subscribe to the newsletter and then reply to an issue with your proposal.

  • RubyRadar - you can submit your article to be included in the Ruby Radar newsletter by creating a discussion on their Github repo

  • Short Ruby Newsletter - you can submit your article as an issue to this Github Repo

  • Hotwire Dev Newsletter - if you write anything related to Hotwire you should send it to Joe Masilotti

In almost all cases for these websites, you will have to create an account or authenticate via Github.


There are two places where I recommend you should republish your article:

  • Dev.to community. They are a great and supportive community for developers and there is even a weekly Rubyist Hangout Thread

  • Hashnode - another quite active community of fellow developers

How this works:

  • You should just copy/paste your blog content. Both Dev.to and Hashnode support markdown so if you wrote your blog post as markdown publishing it there should be as fast as a copy/pasting and re-uploading some images

  • Then after you copied your content, DO NOT YET publish until you made sure you specified the canonical URL where you write the original URL of your article (the one from your blog)

Here is where you find the canonical URL at Dev.to:

An image showing where to find the input for writing canonical URL

Here is where you find the place to write the canonical URL at Hashnode:

Where to find the input for writing Canonical URL at Hashnode

If you want you can do the same for Medium. They also support the option to republish and can specify the canonical URL. There is still an audience there that reads technical content so from an authorship perspective if you want to spread your message as wide as possible you can consider publishing there too.

Online Communities


You can publish on daily.dev and you can ask for your RSS feed to be included automatically on their website. I think they started as an aggregator but they are adding a lot of features that could support a community like Squads.

Ruby on Rails group on Linkedin

This is I think the biggest group on Linkedin for Ruby and Rails developers. They accept posting your article and usually, people will engage with your content.

Web Developers United on Linkedin

This is a group that is not specific to Ruby but there is a Ruby audience there and the group accepts submissions for technical articles.

Reddit /r/ruby

An active community of Ruby developers on Reddit. They are engaging with your articles and will usually reply with direct feedback.

Reddit /r/rails

Also an active community of Ruby on Rails developers where you can submit an article and get direct feedback about it.

Other places

Of course, you should publish this on your social media channels. If you keep publishing Ruby content more people will probably follow you knowing that this is the type of content that you publish.

What other places to promote an article about Ruby do you know?

If you know other places where an author of an article about Ruby can promote their content please let me know in the comments here.

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